"Slayer! Here, kitty, kitty. I find one of your friends first, I'm gonna suck 'em dry. And use their bones to bash your head in. Are you getting a word picture here?" Spike, School Hard
is always wanted
Rated R for swearing, violence and references to rape
and consensual sexual activity
Ella always was a normal girl. Nice life, ok job, nice boyfriend. Except
he wasn’t really all that nice, and there’s always work for a vengeance
demon when a girl’s drunk and hurting.
Panthera Lupus Rated PG-13.
Oz travels into New Orleans and has a sudden urge to visit the zoo there. He doesn't understand why, until he looks into the eyes of the panther and sees something more then animal looking back at him. Rated PG-13. Oz/Irena implied
Apples Rated PG-13. Oz/Penace friendship
He doesn't know who the scarlet crystal girl is who arrived at his retreat, and all he really knows is that she likes apples.
Crazy Wild Things Rated PG-13.
Drusilla POV. Pre-Season 1. Drusilla meets Creed in a bar in Europe.
Roadtrip moments Rated PG-13.
Five things that may have happened to Oz. 5 x 100 word drabbles. Multifandom.
Soho in the rain Rated NC-17.
10x100 drabbles. Chamber/Spike. Flipping POVs. Pre-manifestation. Pre-Season 1.
Pentacle Rated PG-13. Drusilla POV - 5x100 drabbles.
Five things that could have happened to Drusilla.
Rattle the chain Rated NC-17. Biting, bloodplay, rough sex and dominance issues.
Kyle goes to a music festival. Kyle Gibney/Oz. PWP. Alpha Flight/BtVS crossover.
Not wanted Rated NC-17. Non-consensual.
Lindsey gets more then he bargained for. Set Season 2.
London Still Rated NC-17.
Sequel to Soho in the rain. 10x100 drabbles. Flipping POVs. Jono and Spike meet again. Poptopia-arc/Post-Seeing Red
Passing time Rated NC-17. BDSM, bloodplay and rough sex.
Creed and Drusilla pass some time together.