Chapter 5



Ginny unpacked quietly, Azrael sitting on her bed watching her. She hung up her robes, put her books on the shelf and put her family photos on her bureau.  General settling in stuff. Her new room wasn’t that different to her old one, maybe a bit larger. Gary red and gold glaring from every surface and chattering girls filling up every corner. Annoying, that’s what it was. Ginny clicked her tongue at Azrael as she finished and he dropped off the bed fluidly to follow her as she descended into the crowded Common Room where everyone was catching up on what had gone on in the hols. She knew they whispered as she walked past, brown eyes underlined with black, face almost death white, black covering pink lips, hair teased and spiked and scruffed around her face. She sank down gracefully into a spare armchair and curled up into it, Azrael jumping up to lay his head by hers, chunky black boots exposed by her robes as he made a place for himself. He hissed at another cat, and she tousled his ears. “Calm, my demon. Be nice.”


He mewed complainingly at her. He liked to be known as the strong one once he’d recovered. He’d filled out, developed a cocky self-assured arrogance as his coat began to shine. Beaten all the neighbourhood cats to an inch of their nine lives, he was the one in control and they had better not forget it. Ginny smiled slightly as Azrael purred and relaxed under her soothing hand. He was marvellous in concentrating her magic as well. Quite the helpful little kitten.


“Azrael, be a dear and get my cross, would you? I forgot it.” He opened an eye at her request, sniffed and then jumped off to do it. She watched him thread through the students legs, hoping none of them did anything to provoke him. Azrael soon came back, head held high and silver cross clenched between his teeth. He clambered back up onto her lap and placed the cross delicately into her hand. “Thank you, Azrael.” She placed the cross around her neck, fumbling slightly with the clasp and then Azrael noticed Harry. He laid his eyes flat against his skull and puffed up, mouth emitting warning hisses as Ron and Harry passed in front of them.


“Hey Ginny.” Harry nodded at her as if nothing had happened. Ginny came to a decision and let go of Azrael, who immediately threw himself in a whirlwind of hissing, spitting, clawing fury, voicing yowls of anticipated triumph. “OW!” Ginny watched him calmly as Azrael swarmed over him, never staying still long enough to be caught as Ron and Hermoine tried to help Harry.


“Azrael, enough.” Ginny finally called him off and Azrael flowed to the ground, carrying a scrap of Harry’s robes proudly in his mouth. He gently deposited it in her hand, golden eyes begging for approval. “Good boy.” He smiled at her, and she smiled back, pleased at the faint tinge of pink on his teeth. “*Very* good boy.” She petted him and he arched up into it, purring loudly.


“Ginny, are you going to apologise to Harry now?” Ron asked impatiently, helping Hermoine restore some order to the shocked and bleeding Harry. Ginny surveyed them coolly; personally, she thought Harry looked better with bleeding scratches down his face.


“Why? Azrael is a good kitty, aren’t you, my demon?” Ginny returned to patting the ecstatic Azrael. “He loves a fight, and for some odd reason, loathes Harry. I think it was funny.”


“Virginia Weasley, apologise now,” Ron said firmly.


“How about, uh, *hell* no? I can state it more vehemently if you want.” She smiled nastily and then got to her feet. “Well, I’m once more the resident freak show. Azrael, come.” She turned her back on her brother and his friends, to be confronted by a room of silent, judging Gryffindors. “Who will throw the first stone? Who among you be without sin? I do confess that I am a witch, a bride of Satan, and that he has given unto me a demon by the name of Azrael, who manifests in the form of a pure black cat with golden eyes. What, never seen the Crucible? Let me pass.” They parted for her, and she left for her room, head held high and Azrael slinking along at her heels.

